Saturday 15 October 2011

When a Blogger Mudlogger drinks a Lager

There is something to be said when you work in a niche type field like a mudlogger. I noticed after having a beer with some fellow lagers that onlookers to our conversations must seem strange and perhaps even concerning. Take the following conversation in consideration.

Logger 1: Hey, what did you do all night?
Logger 2: Oh, man. We were tripping out all night; it was awesome.
Logger 1: That's awesome. I love tripping out.

This kind of phrasing is pretty common amongst youth today, but in a very disturbing manner. So, I realized after drinking a beer with the guys that onlookers were giving us some funny looks, but I didn't think much of it because I figured it was just because we were obviously strangers to town. We continue  our conversation nonetheless.

Logger 1: While we were tripped out all night, I just sat around, slept, and played Diablo II in the trailer. What do you do when you trip out?
Logger 2: I usually just wander around aimlessly and smoke cigarettes.

I guess this would seem even more misleading. I Just thought some conversations about basic mudlogging phrases would be funny, so I took 3 minutes to type it up.

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